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Middle East

General Information

Location: Undefined area, the Middle East traditionally includes countries or regions in Southwest Asia and parts of North Africa.
Total Population: Approx. 268,011,000
Total Area : 2,427,925 mi ²
Total Countries : Approx. 19

Region Countries

  » Egypt

  » Israel

  » Libya

  » Morocco

  » Oman

  » Turkey

If you have adventure-travel related experience in this region and would like to add content to this page, please contact us to learn how.

  Chatter about Egypt-Where to Stay in Egypt  
  Subject: cairo

i would recommend when traveling in cairo to couchsurf (, which is staying on people's couches for free. they host, and you get a free night's stay. Egyptians are extremely hospitable, and there are many globally-minded western college students who would love to put .....


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