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General Information

Languages : German
Currency : Euro (EUR)
Time Zone : EST +6hrs
Capital City : Berlin
Population : 82 Million
Government : Federal Republic
Total Area : 137,846 mi²
Climate : Temperate and marine; cool, cloudy, wet winters and summers; occasional warm mountain  wind
National Holidays: Unity Day, 3 October
Additional Info: Many historic castles and palaces to see. Preserved medieval towns. A wide choice of modern cities offering cultural entertainment. Natural landscape from high Alps, to dramatic gorges, huge silent forests and rugged coastline.

Destination Activities

Activity Details


Germany is a traveler's paradise with its romantic forests, picturesque hill and mountain landscapes, and tranquilly embedded seas. Numerous trails lead through the most beautiful natural landscapes which can be divided into several stages for hiking trips. Along many of these routes are hotels and inns that provide specialized accommodations for hikers. Just a couple of many regions are detailed below for hiking fans.

The Bavarian Forest is a low mountain range in Bavaria, Germany. It extends along the Czech border and is continued on the Czech side by the Sumava (Bohemian Forest). Geographically the Bavarian Forest and Bohemian Forest are the same mountain range. Well signposted hiking paths lead through mysterious forests, well cared for natural and cultivated landscapes, past small and larger villages or up to the mountain peaks of the Bavarian Forest, such as the Arber Mountain, the region's highest peak. Along historic trade routes, between the Danube River and Bohemia, hikers can follow the traditional routes of salt and glass traders. The route goes past mountain peaks, lakes and through the untouched primeval forest of the Bavarian Forest National Park represents a relaxing contrast.

The Black Forest (German Schwarzwald) is a wooded mountain range in Baden-Wurttemberg, southwestern Germany. It is bordered by the Rhine valley to the west and south. The highest peak is the Feldberg with an elevation of 1,493m (4,898ft). The most famous of the regional 16 long-distance hiking routes is "Westweg" route, which stretches over 175 miles, from Pforzheim to Basle. Start in Pforzheim and continue past the heights of the Northern Black Forest, through untouched forests with bogs and small boggy lakes, across the rocks of the deep Murg Valley, providing excellent views, and finally reach the town of Forbach. Via a mountain ridge path, hikers can reach the highest point of the Northern Black Forest, which is Mount Hornisgrinde. Beautiful cirque lakes, such as Mummelsee or the secluded Wildsee, line the route.

Thuringia - The Rennsteig is a classic mountain trail which draws thousands of visitors every year to the Thuringian Forest, the Franconian Forest and the Thuringian Slate Mountains. The 105 mile trail has been voted Germany's most popular hiking trail. A former trading route, the Rennsteig today is a well maintained and well marked trail, lined by around 1,300 boundary stones along its entire length from the river Werra near Horschel to the river Saale near Blankenstein. The Rennsteig trail leads across the highest peaks of the Thuringian Forest and through towns such as Schmalkalden, Meiningen, Oberhof, Neuhaus am Radweg, Sonneberg and Eisenach, home of Wartburg Castle. Thuringian hospitality is also a great attraction for visitors.


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