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Click on an activity below to see a list of possible destinations.


Road and mountain biking, if its got 2 wheels and is powered by you, we don't differentiate. From bike tours of France to mountain biking in the wilderness, is a great way to explore.

boating activity

From sailing the Greek Isles to Kayaking in Mexico, learn about the destinations around the world that are great for putting a boat in water.

climbing activity

From mountaineering to climbing and rock climbing, we have chosen some of the best destinations to start heading in an upwards direction.


Its not all capital cities and ancient cultures, our writers have been to those small towns you might never hear about on a guided travel tour. Read on!


Ecotourism can cover safaris in africa to zip line tours of the rain forest in Central and Southern America. Its a source of adventure travel that doesn't require a pre-learned skill or assume a certain level of athletic ability! Its just pure fun.


Wonder why every country says they are the best for fishing in the world (they really do!). Well its because there are so many types of fishing and so many different environments to practice and learn new skills.


A day hike is one of the best inventions whether you're on vacation or just need a day break from home life.

scuba diving

Fishes, fishes, fishes, and sharks too. Scuba is a great way to explore the world... underwater, from shark diving in South Africa to the amazing wrecks in the Bikini Atoll to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. Get certified and get traveling!


If you enjoy long bursts of peace and quiet with not a person in sight, some great outdoors experiences, and to see mass geographical diversity, trekking is probably your thing. We explore the adventure trekking of the world.


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